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Meet the Juicers – Sean the Brainstormer

December 19, 2016

Next up it’s time to meet Sean – the brainstormer! Sounds a bit Star Wars-ish and believe us Sean is just as cool! Brainstorming ideas and creative solutions are this man’s forte, with an imagination to rival any professional writer out there. We rely on Sean heavily for infographic content and we revel in his creative positivity. Let’s meet the dude…

Personal Details

Place of Birth

The Heed (Gateshead)

Where Did You Study?

Manchester Met

Preferred Writing Style


A Working/Writing Day

What Time Do You Wake Up Usually?

As a content writer I operate as a bit of a night owl. I seem to get the best results when working at night or in the early hours of the morning so I tend to go to bed quite late and still get 8 hours kip, so I’m up for around 10am. Does that make me sound lazy?

Any Morning or Mid-Afternoon Rituals?

Not really. I wake up, shower, get dressed and go downstairs. I’ll then force-feed myself muesli (18 year old me would hate me) and scroll through Facebook until I see an article I want to read. I’d like to say I dedicate my mornings to a 15-minute yoga session but have you tasted muesli? Small steps, my friend.

The Best and Worst Part of Your Day?

Dinnertime of course! For as long as I can remember I’ve been a rubbish chef and difficult to cook for. Now, I really look forward to getting into the kitchen and trying something new. The worst part of my day is anytime I’m stuck on hold for 10 minutes or forced to navigate an automated machine to try and speak to the person I need to.  The whole automation SkyNet dystopia thought scares me.

Your Favourite Thing to Write?

Goofy short comic strips for fun and event reviews and travel blogs for work purposes.

Your Ultimate Client?

Adult Swim.

Would You Rather

Own the Best House in the Worst Town or Vice Versa?

I imagine the worst house in the best town to still be a grotty mess so I’ll have to go with the best house in the worst town. Providing I’m allowed to install CCTV.  The great thing about being a content writer is that you often get to work from home. I couldn’t imagine getting much done if I lived in the worst house in the best town; I imagine going outside would seem far more appealing.

The Ability to Read Minds or Teleportation?

TELEPORTATION! Who cares what people think of me, I could be out of an awkward conversation and sippin’ rum in the Bahamas in the blink of an eye. Yeah, as a mind reader I could reveal corruption and help create a more transparent society but with teleportation I can eat a world buffet that doesn’t taste like cardboard. Readers are going to think I only care about food.

Feared or Loved By All?

I would rather be loved by all than feared by all. Ideally I would be loved by some and feared by many but if it’s all or nothing then I guess I’d rather the people I oppose love me than those I love fear me. That went a bit too deep for my liking, you would probably find something similar on my MySpace circa 2008.

Golden Voice or Silver Tongue?

I’d like to say silver tongue but I would be lying. Give me a golden voice and throw me into celebrity stardom so I can dance in the chaos and inevitably end up on the front cover of OK! Magazine. I can see the snotty nosed VICE intern now, rubbing their hands together at the thought of writing a year-by-year demise of my career.

Content Juice Contribution

How did you become involved with Content Juice?

I’ve worked in content throughout and after my studies for many agencies and firms. I’ve also worked freelance for a bit, starting out with my mate Alan. A good friend put me in contact with Ian; we had met before but only briefly. I’ve had the pleasure of being around to see the launch of Content Juice and have enjoyed working with Ian and the team. I’m looking forward to what the future has to offer.

What can we expect from you on the blog here at Content Juice?

I enjoy storytelling and I like to add humour into my writing, usually self-deprecating or surreal and I try to take readers onto a journey so that they remain focussed and entertained.

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Ian Arnison-Phillips

Director at Content Juice
This piece has been written by Ian Arnison-Phillips. Ian is an experienced content marketer, author and creative writer. His specialisms are web content, blogging, PR and creative content.

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